A regular check of your tyres can help avoid 3 points and £2,500 in fines for having tyres worn beyond the legal minimum limit on your vehicle.
UK law requires that your vehicle is fitted with the correct type and size of tyre for the vehicle type you are driving and for the purpose it is being used.
The legal limit for minimum depth of the tread on your tyres is 1.6 millimetres, across the central ¾ of the tread around the complete circumference of the tyre.
Our all-inclusive tyre fitting service is completely transparent – the price you are quoted will be the price you pay. If you need tyres fitted to your car or commercial vehicle, we will have a service to suit you. We hold a range of tyres in stock, as well as ordering specific tyres if needed.
Our all-inclusive tyre fitting service is completely transparent – the price you are quoted will be the price you pay, and we won’t be beaten on price! If you need tyres fitted to your car or commercial vehicle, we will have a service to suit you. We hold a full range of budget and premium tyres in stock, as well as ordering specific tyres if need. If you are looking for cheap tyres we would always recommend a new budget tyre over a part worn.
Our garage uses the most modern equipment for our tyre fitting. reducing manual effort to a minimum and able to fit larger rims with low profile tyres. We have an excellent reputation in the Bentley area and pride ourselves on the value of word-of-mouth advertising. If your family or friends have used our services, no doubt you will have heard of us!
We offer a complimentary customer waiting area, a Free Courtesy Car, wheel alignment, state of the art tyre machines and computerised balancer to cater for the entirety of tyres that are on the market today.
40 years of combined experience Our mechanics have the know-how you need.